Eat Pray Love

Come Spend this 26th at Hideout and indulge in some organic food harvesting, salad making, organic delicious food followed by some food meditation at Hide-Out Farm.

14 Jan 2015 | 1870 Views | By Print Week India News Desk

Category : Press Room

Date : 24 Jan 2015 - 26 Jan 2015

Venue : Thapadpada Road, Zadapolli Village

Organiser :

Come Spend this 26th at Hideout and indulge in some organic food harvesting, salad making, organic delicious food followed by some food meditation at Hide-Out Farm. Enjoy some farm fresh organic food along with some food meditation. Food meditation is an experience made available to those who make themselves available for the purpose of nourishment.
‘Food’ in food meditation designates any stuff which has a potential to nourish. And ‘meditation’ is the process of gathering our attention on the ‘Eater of the food’.
Cost for the same is Rs.2000/- Per Head Includes: Breakfast,Lunch,Evening snack along with food meditation. Bring along some instruments and we can have some lovely music and singing as well!
For more details please contact us at - 9920640815

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