Little Pills for Little Ones

Experience how homoeopathy can help your child grow to be healthy and happy!

26 Nov 2013 | 920 Views | By Print Week India News Desk

Category : Press Room

Date : 01 Dec 2013 - 01 Dec 2013

Venue : 7th Floor, Peninsula Heights, C.D. Burfiwala Marg, Juhu Lane

Organiser :

Description: The highlight of the seminar will be renowned Homoeopaths and Allopaths, Dr. Archana Mehan, Dr. Praful Barvalia, Dr. Jayesh Shah, & Dr. Paresh Vasani, who will shed some light on how some children have extremely difficult and challenging behavior which is outside the norm and how we can help transform the child into a well balanced, creative individual owning an independent and respectable position in the society with a Healthy & Happy living. Hence it is important to create awareness regarding these factors among people.

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