Print Business Outlook Conference 2016

NPES, International Color Consortium (ICC) and The Bombay Master Printers' Association (BMPA) will host the 2016 Print Business Outlook Conference on 15 March 2016, Mumbai

21 Jan 2016 | 1452 Views | By Print Week India News Desk

Category : Press Room

Date : 15 Mar 2016 - 16 Mar 2016

Venue : The Westin Mumbai Garden City

Organiser :

The conference theme brings out the latest innovations and explores the rapidly changing technological landscape of the global print industry. Focused on a full day of education and networking aimed at harnessing the advantages of digital printing and manufacturing in a changing industry. With over 250 printers, publishers, manufacturers and suppliers in attendance, eager for tactical advice and strategies on raising the bar, you will have more than enough opportunities to interact, mingle, and network with your target audience.

The conference supported by, All Indian Federation of Master Printers Association (AIFMP), Indian Printing, Packaging and Allied Machinery Manufacturers' Association (IPAMA) and PRIMIR is the premier market research association of the graphic communications industry

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