Under Forty: Mahesh Karthik S (S T Reddiar And Sons)
Mahesh likes collecting Swiss Watches next time you ask this, the list would have doubled.
19 Dec 2014 | By Tanvi Parekh
Where do you learn the tricks of the trade? In an executive education program or on the job?
I was lucky to intern with many reputed printing organisations in India and overseas, which was the best exposure.
What is your greatest print / business achievement to date?
In the print industry, achievement means either creating a great job and or create the job in a time and manner that would please an end user. For us, a comment by a client, “Business partnership happens when one organisation helps the other in sustained growth keeping the economies of scale in mind. I would credit you for being a truly reliable partner.”
What technology has made the biggest difference to your business? The best break-through in print technology in the past hundred years
I would say the computer-to-plate has been a truly remarkable game changer to our organisation. My father brought the CTP in as early as 2003.
What do you prefer: a mentor in the industry or brain storming with like-aged?
Irrespective of the mentors I continue to have, I brainstorm with like-aged in the industry on a regular basis.
The most frequently used mantra in your organisation? Your motto in life?
The press room mantra is “promptness and perfection” and the mantra outside is “pleasing and patience”.
If you won Rs 25 crores what would you invest in? Why?
First, pay off 30% in advance to the IT department of India. The rest I would invest in shares or bonds. The reason: It’s always better to have alternatives / backups).
For a working lunch if you met the PM of India, what would you talk to him about?
What would be his plans to achieve economic progress without affecting the environment and how the government would support organisations following the same.
One person who impressed you with wisdom. Why?
APJ Abdul Kalam. One of the reasons is for the speech he gave at the summit of EU nations while he was the President of India.
What’s the first thing you do on entering the office?
Pay respect to the generations who sustained this business and to the almighty.