Under Forty: Varun Tholasi (Tholasi Prints)
Quoting from his favourite movie, The Butterfly Effect, ‘It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly’s wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world’. This (plus the ISO / Fogra certifications), says a lot about Tholasi’s passion for high quality print and why he always wanted to join the business.
20 Dec 2014 | By Tanvi Parekh
When did you decide to join the business?
In my case, I always wanted to join the business.
Where do you learn the tricks of the trade? In an executive education programme or on the job?
Definitely, on the job! No education programme in the world can ever teach you the tricks of the trade like the job can!
What is your greatest print / business achievement to date?
Being able to print as per ISO / Fogra standards with a tolerance level of under Delta 2 on all our presses. With our print quality, we can give the Germans a run for their money!
What technology has made the biggest difference to your business?
The closed-loop colour management system on our Heidelberg CD 102 has made the biggest difference to our business. Computer-to-plate imaging systems and digitisation of pre-press is arguably the best break in print technology for a century!
What do you prefer: a mentor in the industry or brain storming with like-aged?
Definitely, brain storming with like-aged people in the industry.
The most frequently used mantra in your organisation?
‘Work with passion’ nothing can give you better results than working with absolute passion!
If you won Rs 25 crores what would you invest in? Why?
I would invest in a Heidelberg six-colour UV press with foilstar plus some unique post-press equipment.
For a working lunch if you met the PM of India, what would you talk to him about?
I would talk to him about improving our economy and remind him of the promises he has made!
One person who impressed you with wisdom. Why?
My father. His wisdom, resilience and composure is unmatchable.
The IT system in your firm
We are in the process of choosing and implementing an MIS.
Working lunch means?
Going through production / business development reports or PrintWeek India as I munch on my food.
If you were NOT in this industry, you would have ...
Been a screen writer for Hollywood movies.