15 industry A-Listers to speak at Adoptech in Pune

In an exchange with Rahul Marulkar, the president of the Poona Press Owners Association (PPOA), we explore the evolving landscape of the print industry and the developments on the eve of Adoptech 2024

05 Aug 2024 | By Charmiane Alexander

Rahul Marulkar: Pune’s blend of tradition and innovation continues to drive the print industry forward, making Pune a key player in the world of printing.

Charmiane Alexander (CA): Can you share the latest updates on Adoptech 2024?
Rahul Marulkar (RM): Building on the success of last year’s Adoptech, which saw over 200 participants and numerous discussions, the Poona Press Owners Association (PPOA) is gearing up for an even more impactful event in 2024. This year, we are focusing on innovating traditions and enhancing the print processes through advanced technology, from production to delivery. We anticipate these innovations will foster greater efficiencies and opportunities within our industry.

CA: What are some highlights attendees can look forward to at Adoptech 2024?
Adoptech 2024, organised by the PPOA, is set to take place on 24 August 2024, at the Sheraton Grand Hotel in Pune. The theme is Innovating Tradition: Navigating Technology Adoption in Print, the conference will feature a mix of panel discussions, sessions by experts and a keynote address by an industry veteran.

CA: Please share the details of the two panel discussions.
There will be two panel discussions. The first is Big Ideas at Drupa – What Next for India? featuring A Appadurai of HP Indigo India, Katsuhisa Asari of Konica Minolta, Samir Patkar of Heidelberg India and Venugopal Menon of Bobst India. The other panel discussion is Make in India Superstars @ Drupa, which will feature CN Ashok of Autoprint Machinery, Datta Deshpande of Pratham Technologies, Pallipuram Sajith of Bindwel Technologies, Ranesh Bajaj of the Vinsak Group), and Amit Khurana of TechNova Imaging Systems. 

CA: And the expert sessions?
Expert sessions will include Romancing the Balance Sheet by Dr Anil Lamba and a motivational talk by Priya Kumar. The keynote address will be delivered by SN Venkatraman, the highly experienced SBU Chief of the ITC Packaging & Printing Business. 

CA: Other than Adoptech, what initiatives is PPOA focusing on over the next year?
Beyond Adoptech, we have several exciting initiatives planned for the coming year. The first is educational workshops because the PPOA is dedicated to providing ongoing education to its members. This includes workshops on financial management, cost analysis, quality standards, and so on. The PPOA is also committed to promoting sustainable practices within the printing industry. Its initiatives include a focus on reducing waste, promoting the use of eco-friendly materials, and adopting green technologies.

CA: How so?
PPOA will host a series of networking events and forums to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing among industry professionals. These events aim to strengthen the community and foster new business opportunities. The PPOA will continue to advocate for the interests of its members locally and nationally. This includes lobbying for favourable policies and regulations that support the growth and sustainability of the printing industry.

CA: Anything else?
Yes, the PPOA hosts health checkup camps on an annual basis for its members to ensure their well-being.

CA: How has the print and packaging industry in Pune coped with challenges like recent flooding and traffic disruptions?
Fortunately, most printing facilities in Pune are located away from flood-prone zones and in gated industrial areas, which helped mitigate the impact of the recent floods. Traffic disruptions are normally managed by planning deliveries considering the traffic conditions and, if possible, in compact or smaller vehicles. However, the unforeseen power outages during heavy rains pose a big challenge.

CA: With the rising costs of raw materials, how are your members managing?
The fluctuating costs, especially of paper, are indeed challenging as they account for a significant portion of our supply chain expenses. We are keeping our customers informed about the validity of cost estimates, which helps in managing expectations and financial planning.

CA: In what way?
The PPOA is also helping its members supply ink and other binding raw materials at heavily discounted prices by adopting its bulk buying principle which has been practised for many years now through our project - Mudran Sahitya Bhandar - which is a proud partner to many key brands in the market.

CA: Lastly, can you share a lesser-known fact about Pune that might surprise our readers?
Pune is home to some of India's oldest and most respected educational establishments, such as the Savitribai Phule Pune University (formerly known as the University of Pune), Fergusson College, the College of Engineering Pune Technological University (COEP) and diploma and degree colleges in printing technology. These institutions have produced many prominent scholars, scientists, and leaders who have made significant contributions to various fields globally. Aligning with its name, Oxford of the East, Pune has developed into a major hub for book publishing, self-publishing, book printing and book-on-demand services.  

CA: Any packaging connection?
The city is a hub for mechanical, electrical, and software engineering innovations, where cutting-edge research and development in robotics, automation, and advanced manufacturing techniques are showcased. Leading manufacturers like Bobst, Pratham Technologies, and our panellists for Make in India Superstars @ Drupa. Pune’s strategic location, excellent infrastructure, and availability of skill and talent foster a thriving ecosystem for leading companies like Tetra Pak, Parkson Packaging, BHS Corrugators, WestRock, and many more.

CA: And any print connection?
A lesser-known fact about Pune that might surprise you is its significant role as a contributor to the growth of the print industry in India, one such example is, that Pune is the birthplace of the iconic “Kesari” newspaper, established in 1881 by the legendary freedom fighter Bal Gangadhar Tilak.  Kesari played a pivotal role in India’s struggle for independence and continues to be a symbol of the city’s rich cultural and journalistic heritage. Another one is the presence of The Poona Press Owners Association (PPOA), established in 1919, fostering a collaborative environment for printing professionals and having recognition as founder members in the formation of the All India Federation of Master Printers (AIFMP).  Taking it forward, we should not miss out on the historical significance of Chitrashala Press, a pioneer in lithographic printing in India. Chitrashala Press was founded by Shivram Mahadev Paranjape in 1878. 

CA: What message would you like to share with printers and converters across India?
The print industry is resilient and continues to thrive post-Covid-19, especially in domains like book publishing and packaging. Staying updated with technological advancements and being judicious with investments is crucial, given the rapid pace of technological evolution. Keep up your spirits and be a proud printer.

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