Ankul Nanavaty: Procurement management needs to be technology driven

In the Rapid Fire questions series, PrintWeek asks Ankul Nanavaty questions about print and beyond

22 Aug 2022 | 1494 Views | By PrintWeek Team

What is your idea of a perfect print firm in India?
I don’t think there is anything like a perfect organisation. The endeavour should be to chase consistency in operations. A firm should be professionally managed with a consultative selling approach and future-ready strategy. It should have a system that is driven to enable production speed and product development. All these activities eventually increase customer satisfaction.

What is the trickiest colour that you have had to print?
Grey, deep blue and violet. A printer’s nightmare.

What is your most ‘wow’ moment (print / non-print)?
I was quite amazed when I first saw a brochure with inbuilt artificial intelligence with a 3D pop-up experience on my phone.

What is your favourite print joke?
I was popularly known for my jargons among my close customers at the start of my career. While closing an anticipated order, I would often say “chhapu kya?” (should I start the print job?). A strong push from my end, with clear intentions.

Which living print person do you most admire? Why?
Manohar Prabhu of Uchitha Graphics. He has been my mentor in the offset print business and has learnt the art of planning large volumes with meticulous precision. Management school taught me the value of time and planning management, while Prabhu Sir has displayed the practical nuances of getting it right, always.

A technology or a thought process you think is a passé for 21st Century press?
Excel, it has not been automated yet. Procurement management has to be technology driven in order to drive efficiency.

What do you most value in your customers?
Their appreciation, trust and confidence in us.

Describe your day in a sentence
I execute my work tasks for a couple of hours and then discuss and brainstorm opportunities for the future business and print jobs.

Your favourite print conference?
BMPA’s Vision Conclave. The first edition of the event took place in Goa this month.

Which words or phrases or jargon do you overuse?
Stay alive and electric.

What is the quality you seek when you hire?
The person’s attitude.

What are some of the challenges you face at your printing plant? Anything you would want to change if you did it again?
When it comes to sizing, I would have chosen to expand in phases. Plus, I would take professional help in planning the workflow. Another critical component is maintenance of equipment. Tough times make it difficult for a regular upkeep.

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