Anuj Bhargava: During these times, the need for a digital operation was noticed

With the industry under lockdown, PrintWeek asks Anuj Bhargava of Kumar Labels, how the company is dealing with the situation.

01 Apr 2020 | 1720 Views | By PrintWeek Team

What has been the impact of Covid-19 on your business thus far?
Sales were down significantly in the last month.

In the short term, how are you assessing the risks and planning for the possible impact?
We are ensuring that the team remains healthy. If people are good, business will be good. Temporary slowdowns happen.

Some businesses have acted, asking staff to work from home, doing daily temperature checks, distributing critical tasks across offices, and restricting travel. What steps have you undertaken?

We have taken the following steps.

  1. IR thermometer at the factory gate monitoring all employees
  2. Sanitiser (made in-house with 70% IPA and water) at the gate and at each door. Everyone is being ‘forced’ to sanitise upon each movement
  3. Housekeeping wiping doors. All operators wiping machines in the morning and during lunch
  4. Ban on visitors and team travels
  5. People using public transport to factory has been asked to pool or use taxi at the cost of the company. If this not possible, they are not allowed to come to the factory.
  6. Laptops ready with software for pre-press, online access to MIS given to CS and sales. May ask them to work from home
  7. Have distributed sanitiser in bottles for home
  8. Have made arrangements for 12 core team members to stay put in factory for three weeks in case commute becomes risky
  9. Have purchased Paracetamol for all assuming six doses a day for eight days for all.
  10. Masks are given to all everyday (normal ones bought from a nearby factory), to be disposed at their homes.
  11. Keeping sufficient bank balance, pushing customers for payments
  12. Continuing to run until any further information. Prepared to shut for two weeks of government asks us to do so. Communicating frequently with customers
  13. Giving social distancing and hygiene training to all each day. Showing them videos and what to do in case they have symptoms
  14. Post-lockdown, splitting workforce in two teams. Each will run for certain time, then a gap of 14 hours cool off period for auto sanitizing. Zero interaction of two teams. No movement allowed outside core work area

How is your company staying in touch with your partners/ customers?
Video calls.

Do you invest in health care, and is there a robust system in place?

Confluence of creativity and technology will be the key to crafting a successful future in print. One creative print project which can make a difference you?
During these times, the need for a digital operation was noticed. View few people running multiple presses all on the fly.

One suggestion for the government?
The government is handling the situation well. 

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