Deep Shah: Screen printing can enhance the sense of touch

In the Rapidfire questions series, PrintWeek asks Deep Shah questions about print and beyond

15 Feb 2022 | 2700 Views | By Charmiane Alexander

What is the trickiest colour that you have had to print?
A shade of Pantone metallics on an uncoated texture paper.

What is the quality you seek when you hire?
We love individuals who have the desire to grow, have a positive approach to any task in hand and are passionate to perform each day as it comes.

What is the trait you most deplore in our industry?
Quality checks are required at every stage of pre- and postproduction process which most people don’t bother with after printing.

When and which print job or project made you the happiest?
We did a project with The Times of India for the HUL brand, Dove back in 2017. The production was done using screenprinted water sensitivity ink, which gave great results.

Describe your day in a sentence
Wake up, meditate, print, pray and sleep.

What is your most ‘wow’ moment (print / non-print)?
We produced a wall calendar in 2021, which included 140 print processes in total. A combination of offset, flexo and screen printing techniques.

What is your favourite print joke?
“Need better quality at cheaper rates” is an all time favourite print joke in our industry.

What is the greatest strength of your printing firm?
Our teams believe in doing it right the first time. We keep innovating our processes and look for opportunities to learn and evolve.

Which print technologies, according to you, are the future? Why?
LED UV technology in offset and cold foiling will be the future. Sustainability will become a key differentiator alongside cost savings on a daily basis.

If you could change one thing about your printing plant, what would it be?
I would like to automate my post-press for better efficiency and quality.

A technology or a thought process you think is a passé for 21st century press?
Wet lamination. I feel that the process is time consuming and not very sustainable. There are many water-based and UV-based coatings, which give a similar experience.

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