Enhancing consumer experiences

Kavita Dalal of Beyondesign discusses the effectiveness of emotional branding

24 Feb 2022 | 1836 Views | By WhatPackaging? Team

The psychology of the modern consumer is not only about competitive prices, it’s an overall experience that the consumer values most. If their experience with a brand is not rewarding and satisfying enough there’s nothing that can stop them from immediately moving preferences.

If you’re looking to launch a new brand, besides the basic architecture, you must first understand the following aspects to ensure you provide your costumers a holistic brand experience.

More than just a name, design or symbol, a brand is a promise or a feeling that your product or service evokes amongst those who experience it.

Brand experience
A Brand experience is a roundup of the emotions and actions evoked by your brand. It is the immersive experience that your brand creates and leaves behind in the minds of it users. It is extremely important for an entrepreneur to make sure this experience is a positive one for loyalty and recall of the brand.

Customer experience
How your brand treats its customers is what a customer experience is all about. It is true that customer care and standard of service matter most, but beyond these what creates a lasting impression in the minds of consumers is the advertising, packaging, features, ease of use and reliability as well. So it’s important for your product or service to be up to the mark in all capacities and stand true on every parameter to create brand loyalty.

Content creation
The digital dais is here to stay and content marketing will be a thing of the future. Every brand owner must   put in place a strong digital campaign to reach out to potential audiences  through compelling content strategy.

Brand story
Storytelling is one of the most powerful ways of instilling life into a brand. A compelling story is what engages the consumers to  create a connection with you and your brand. Done right it puts the brands foundation in place.

Content strategy
Listening to the consumers and conversing with them helps build a product or provide a service that meets all their needs. The voice of customer should be a brand owners top priority and strong content creation should be the plan.

Consistent yet innovative
A brand must create awareness and develop faith and loyalty amongst customers. A constantly changing brand personality might be detrimental. Hence coherence and consistency online and offline is of prime importance. Each customer interaction should embrace the brand promise and values and maintain brand elements that can be used innovatively to engage audiences. This remains key to a successful brand.

Even in today’s digital first world experience is everything and one must make sure to get it right.

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