Exhibitor Speak: Bal Krishan Khindria of Memory Repro Systems
PrintWeek India speaks to Bal Krishan Khindria, managing director of Memory Repro Systems, an exhibitor at Pamex 2013.
12 Nov 2013 | 2418 Views | By PrintWeek India
What are the top trends in 2013?
It’s clear, the industry is heading towards computer-to-print. The right approach is to get into the packaging industry, there is huge scope for growth in this segment.
What makes India unique?
India is still a place where demand for end-products exists, a lot of it has to do with the growing rate of literacy. We have a huge population, which is also driving demand, and I think it will remain for years to come. The global market is giving the indication of saturation.
How is the changing role of print impacting firms and brands?
It is purely through technology and print applications. A printer who can meet the demand in terms of innovation, supply in quickest time and at a competitive price, will enjoy the fruits of success.
Your plans for Pamex 2013?
Well, we had recently participated in Printpack India 2013 with a stand admeasuring 175 sq/mts. We were showcasing many new products at that show and finalised orders worth Rs one-crore with more than Rs four-crore business is in the pipeline. We are still following up on the prospects. At Pamex 2013, it’s about making our presence felt. We are exhibiting our hot-cake machines.
What’s most important about running a successful company?
You have to be on your toes to manufacture new product for which you should be able to create market. One must understand the need of the printers and how the manufacturer can help them save money and labour. The time has come when the product, not only has to look good aesthetically, but should also operate smoothly. New products always have teething problems, but one must have courage to face criticism, rectify and/or upgrade according to the need of the customers, at his own cost.
Describe what the industry has been going through for the past few years?
Generally the printing industry is going down due to many factors. Tough times lie ahead. The population of secondhand machinery and meltdown period are the major factors hitting the industry. More and more digital printers are mushrooming. They will keep on growing, as it is the technology of future.
What factors are impacting the Indian print industry?
I have already explained the major factors, which are impacting the industry. We are always changing the path to manufacture the products that are needed now or in future. Over 95% of the products we used to manufacture few years ago, have been phased out. Our pre-press equipment is no more in production. We are concentrating on post-press equipment and products needed by the newspaper segment.
What should a prospective buyer consider when selecting printing equipment?
The manufacturers’ facility, whether it’s modern; good reputation, prompt after-sales service. After-sale service is the backbone of any manufacturer.
Availability of replacement parts is quickly becoming an area of concern for the end user. How is that managed?
As far as we are concerned, we guarantee that any equipment manufactured by us will have to work till the end, as far as memory goes.
Are you worried about costs rising over the coming year?
Last year businesses suffered because of hike in prices for materials and energy, and most expect that to last. It is an ongoing process, sometime we make less money and some time more. But it all depends on many factors.
What was the most important thing your company did right in adjusting to the hike in cost of inputs?
People pay on the newly introduced products which saves them money and man power. Today the printer is keen, on return on investment (roi). What he has invested and how soon he can recover the cost.