Exhibitor Speak: Nilesh Shah, sales director at KMI Business Technologies

PrintWeek India speaks to Nilesh Shah, sales director at KMI Business Technologies, an exhibitor at Pamex 2013.

17 Nov 2013 | 6878 Views | By Sidhesh Kanade

What are you exhibiting at Pamex
We are concentrating on office and production equipment. We have a new model called 454 E, a mid-production machine which has a speed of 45 cpm.
We have developed a proposition for this machine where it is available on a one time rent of two-and-a-half lakh Rupees on the basis of a five year contract and provides the buyer with the same full service maintenance agreement (FSMA) similar to the one who would have bought the machine. The FSMA ranges from Rs 6-8 depending on the volume.
What are the top trends in the printing industry
One of the top trends is digital. For all the product lines, customers are opting for digital. The other trend is web-to-print.
Your expectations from Pamex and how have they been fulfilled till now?
Day one was a little dry. The footfall is getting better day by day. Although the number of visitors is less, the buyers are serious about their purchase.
Have you sold any machines at the show?
We are expecting to close deals for 10 machines including a Bizhub C70hc and a Bizhub C6000, and about 8-10 office machines.
How are you adjusting to the currency fluctuation and price hike?
Konica Minolta has been very co-operative and the prices for the production range haven’t been hiked till now and the buyers have been more than content with this decision.
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