Grow job numbers, not quantity

In the Rapid Fire series, PrintWeek asks Sagar Nanavati ten questions about print and beyond

20 Nov 2019 | 4630 Views | By PrintWeek Team

Q: What is Shilp Art’s USP?
A: Our USP is that we are a one-stop solution provider who believe in providing quality and prompt services.

Q: What is the key to remain profitable?
A: To increase sales, turnover, and have minimum rejection of jobs.

Q: Short-runs or long-runs?  Why?
A: Short-runs. We try to increase the number of jobs and not the quantity. Our production has to be minimum 35 to 40 sets on one machine.

Q: What role does software play for your company?
A: Colour enhancement, which is a critical facet of an industry such as textile. It  enables us to match the colour produced in offset and on a digital kit.

Q: How do you increase value addition and technological depth in the post press stages?
A: I gather information about the newest trends. I ask my team to go and study the market in order to provide value-added products to our customers.

Q: Your success mantra?
A: Excelling the processes involved from pre-press to post-press, and a timely delivery schedule.

Q: One below Rs 10-lakh investment which you thought was ‘sasta and kifayati’ ?
A: Binding equipment. We recently bought a six-clamp binding machine, which has drastically reduced our delivery time.

Q: You specialise in fashion book. How is the segment performing?
A: The number of catalogues in the market has increased tremendously so I feel that it is a good area to cater to.

Q: The Ironmen effect on your business and personal life?
A:  A boost to mental strength. It helps me in business and survive in the world of cut-throat competition.

Q: Plans for next year?
A: New installations that will replace our existing ones. And push myself further in the coming Ironman competitions.

Tags: Shilp Art
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