Indian Printers visit Printex 2015 at Sydney

A group of Indian printers led by Kamal Chopra traveled to Australia to attend Printex 2015 held from 13-15 May, 2015.

04 Jun 2015 | 1020 Views | By Noel D'Cunha

The Indian delegation’s visit to the three days show was supported by Government of India Ministry of MSME.
The Printex show saw was more than 100 suppliers including major digital players like HP, Canon and EFI display a range of their products. In Australia, printing and related industries (excluding pulp and paper manufacturing) comprise of approximately 3,800 firms, employing more than 104,000 people. The show attracted over 6,000 visitors.
According to Kamal Chopra, chairman for international affairs at All India Federation of Master Printers (AIFMP), the main aim of the visit was to learn the latest technologies and to notice the latest innovations. Chopra said, “At the same time delegates also met the machinery dealers, used printing machinery suppliers and the printers of Australia to explore the possibilities of joint collaborations and to assess the opportunities of executing their printing and packaging work on job basis.”
This was the first-ever visit of any Indian printers delegation to Australia, where besides knowing and understanding the system of working. One of the learnings during the visit, Chopra said, was the way printers of Australia were dealing with the challenges of print business. “They are concentrating on small run digital jobs. The jobs with large quantities and where extensive labour is required are being outsourced mainly to China,” he said.
The delegation also met GAMAA leaders to discuss supply of machinery and equipment and possible joint venture. “It is worth mentioning that taking the competence of Indian market, manufacturers of Australia are interested to invest in India and enquired about the ‘Make in India’ project,” Chopra concluded.


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