Nitinnbhai is Google himself and is a one man google army. So whether you want instant information – and are not satisfied unless you get a four page PDF, Nitinn is the one. If you need directions, India or abroad, you don’t need Google maps, Nitinn is just a phone call away and unlike the mechanical voice that guides you to your destination, Nitinnbhai will direct you in his wonderful Gujju accent with landmarks including the chaiwala at the corner turn and the “wadapav laari” after the third signal just before the flyover.
I have warm memories of this gentle giant. In spite of his health issues, I have rarely seen a person with so much energy and so much get-up-and go. It is impossible not to get inspired. A mechanical engineer making automobile parts, he entered the print world so that he could assist his brother. Today Nitinnbhai beats all of us hollow, what with our fancy degrees and tons of work experience.
Khushru has not changed in the last 25 years that I have known him. Adversity, age, success, money, fantastic contacts, none have changed this man. At all. He still loves unconditionally and hates the same way. He was abrupt then, and is still abrupt. He will simply push aside a million dollar client to another slot of time, if you have asked for an appointment for something miniscule. I have seen that happening often. Everything that you do, is to do with him, if he has adopted you, he then does it with his heart.
His influence on me has been in various ways. He is truthful to the T and does not believe in beating around the bush. Hence it is very easy to work with him. He is unforgiving about ideas that he has suggested, and leaves you with little or no choice, if that choice has been made for you by him. He is unforgiving about giving you the best, and can convince anyone that what he suggests is the best. But at the same time, is graceful enough to admit defeat if you are able to show him something better.
I have learnt from him, that business can be done with tremendous grace and at the same time, individual relations too can be given equal importance. He has taught me that personal equations are far more important than business, and he keeps friendships even when work has dried up from any source. The most important thing that I have learnt from his is the fact that continuous improvement and self-involvement is a key to all issues and nothing beats perfection.
Khushru Patel
Among the many innovators that I have met in my career, a few have had the ability to always surprise me with their incredible thinking metier. The amazing quality of these people is that they are never satisfied with what they have done, and are constantly looking out for items or products which challenge them. In our industry, mediocrity is so easily accepted only because it allows a better price to the end user and does not offer them a challenge of sticking to only one supplier.
However, a few people do not bother about staying mediocre. They are constantly thinking of presenting their thoughts and their ideas into a product and it does not faze them that the buyer is not really paying them their worth. Shabbirbhai Kothawala is one such mad man.
I know Shabbirbhai since the last many years, and meeting him in his office is a pilgrimage. I have been incredibly challenged every time with something different, either in terms of a new shape, a new finish, a new opening mechanism, a new design, a new material or quite simply, an old idea represented in a revolutionary way. I marvel at the indefatigable spirit of a man who has been in the industry for nearly 40 years and hasn’t still lost the ability to keep on thinking something new.
Shabbir Kothawala
Mehul has influenced me tremendously. Right from his humble beginnings in Virar, where he had to stay with his lovely wife Nivie, to make ends meet, to working as a marketing executive with Xerox, his story is a typical rags-to-riches. With none of the accompanying drama, but simply matter-of-fact.
Although Mehul has come very recently in my circle, he might perhaps find a pretty top spot in the list of people who have influenced me greatly. The way he conducts his business, speaks volumes for the clarity of his mind, and he is unafraid to share. I have taken a lot of his thoughts and his ideas, and have implemented them in my work, and they work.
His ideas are simple, but even his ideas mean business, and that is Mehul. Why he will continue to be an influence is underlined by the fact that at the age of 50, he has decided to do his MBA from Hyderabad, and I am sure he will ace it. After being a dutiful son, a great father, a loving and doting husband and a crazy brother to his sister, Mehul is able to still find time for his charitable work Animedh.
Mehul Desai
About the book