Jainam Shah: Open chamber doctor blade system is a passé for flexo

In the Rapid Fire series, PrintWeek asks questions about print and beyond to Jainam Shah of Flexure Print N Pack

27 Sep 2024 | By Abhay Avadhani

What is the trickiest colour that you have had to print?
Shades of blue, green, brown and purple in midtones and shadows.

What is the quality you seek when you hire?
Punctuality, technical proficiency, troubleshooting and teamwork.

Describe your day in two sentences?
I start the day with morning meditation and try to reach early at the factory so I can review daily planning with my team followed by shop floor rounds, meetings with clients and suppliers, and end the day with next day’s scheduling.

What is the greatest strength of your printing firm?
Delivering superior print quality products in time with converting technologies by our skilled workforce.

Which living print person do you most admire? Why?
My father, Ketu Shah. I admire his integrity, passion, resilience and persistence.

Which print technology, according to you, is the future? Why?
The future will be of graphics + functional printing applications on combinational online/offline hybrid printing presses.

Which words or phrases or jargon do you overuse?
Ghosting, mottling, halo, moiré, slur, BCM, extended gamut, and so on.

If you could change one thing about your printing plant, what would it be?
Transform it into a lights-out factory.

If you were to die and come back as a printing press or software or ink, what would it be?
Printing press running at full speed synchronously in a smart print factory.

A technology or a thought process you think is a passé for 21st Century press?
For flexo, open chamber doctor blade system presses and manual print registration system is passé for 21st Century press.

What do you most value in your customers?
Trust, loyalty and feedback.

Your favourite print conference?
Drupa, Plastindia and Lopec.