Nitin Patil: Work hard, with a creative approach

Awards boost employee morale to increase job satisfaction, says Nitin Patil of Numex Blocks, which is the Associate Partner of PrintWeek Awards 2024

07 Sep 2024 | By PrintWeek Team

Nitin Patil: Work hard, with a creative approach

How does your company and your products embody the spirit of excellence that the Awards aims to celebrate?
This boosts our confidence and employee morale to increase job satisfaction.

What can our industry learn from the Award winners and shortlisted companies? 
More improvement in our work.

What specific contributions have your products made to driving excellence within the industry?
Technology services to make quality.

Are we doing enough to fix the perception problem? One thing we should do?
I think PrintWeek is doing great, educating customers and the printing community.

A rollercoaster season. One tip you have for the industry for the rest of 2024?
Work hard, with a creative approach.

Learn more about Numex Blocks by clicking here.