Eleven packaging mantras by Sriraam Selvam
Sriraam Selvam studies Valluvar, the celebrated Tamil poet and philosopher best known for Thirukkuṛaḷ, a collection of couplets or Kurals on ethics, political and economical matters. And selects a few gems for the 21st century packaging technologist.
30 Nov 2017 | 5976 Views | By Sriraam Selvam
Kural 1.
A merchant's best merchandise
Is tending other's goods as his own
Kural 2.
Be a technologist among the technologist,
Be an expert among scholars
But pretend to be silent among the gossip mongers
Kural 3.
What won't they do to strangers
Who broadcast their customers fault
Kural 4.
Learn well what should be learnt, and then
Live your learning
Remember: The great hide others' faults
Only the small talk of nothing else
Kural 5.
A good mind is an asset to everyone
While good company contributes to glory
The great avoid the low in whom
The low find their kin
Kural 6.
Orators who wish to do good
Should study the occasion with care
Those are poor orators, unavailing
Who speak without knowing their audience
Kural 7.
Act after taking into account
The cost, the benefit, the net
It is not wisdom to lose the capital
For the sake of interest
Kural 8.
However well versed in books
Be practical
Kural 9.
The wise know what comes next -
Fools cannot.
Kural 10.
His body needs no drugs who only eats
After digesting what he eats before
Kural 11.
Be born if you must for fame: or else
Better not be born at all
The great do the impossible
The mean cannot do it.
A world conqueror bides his time