Post Script: Mahjabin Shahzad

Mahjabin Shahzad works as an assistant marketing manager at RX India. Shahzad believes that it is important to set boundaries to separate your work and personal life

15 Feb 2022 | 2220 Views | By Charmiane Alexander

What is your goal for 2022?
To be happy, healthy and confident.

One most valuable work lesson
There should be a clear line of distinction between your work and personal life. Work- life balance is an important aspect of a healthy work environment and it is okay to have two distinct personalities to a certain extent.

Most useful app?
Google Pay. It is a fast and secure mobile payment service and has made my life easier and cash free.

Desired vacation spot?
It changes bi-annually. Currently it is Santorini, Greece.

Your tip to resolve conflicts...
Be a good listener..

Life is...?
A journey... live every moment.

Your favourite book?
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.

Your hobbies?
Travelling, writing and baking.

A really nice OOH campaign while travelling?
Instagram’s ‘We Are In The Making’ OOH campaign. It is witty, inventive and grabbed my attention.

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