Post Script: Natasha Jaichandra

Natasha Jaichandra of Veepee Graphics believes that economic, social and environmental sustainability is a must in today’s business environment. It is an increasingly important issue and continues to affect lives

02 Dec 2021 | 5218 Views | By PrintWeek Team

One most valuable work lesson
The customer is not always right. It is important to voice your opinions and speak out

What is your favourite movie?
Murder Mystery starring Jennifer Anniston.

One key tip for good health
Drink a lot of water. It helps maintain the balance of body fluids.

Desired vacation spots?
Los Angeles, Paris and Italy.

Your tip to resolve conflicts
Take the high road. It might not be easy, but you will have the solace of knowing you kept your principles.

Your hobbies?
Drawing, singing and playing instruments. I play guitar, piano and drums.

Most useful app?
Instagram. The app can help you connect with old friends/classmates even if you don’t have their contact number. Apart from visual sharing, it is also a place for marketing, news updates and celebrity buzz.

Life is…?
A bunch of lemons. It depends if you want to make lemonade out of it or not…maybe even add vodka if required.

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