Post Script: Priyanka Rathi Verma

Priyanka Rathi Verma, senior manager - media and marketing at Digistik says, holding yourself accountable to your professional and personal goals is a great way to finish your day on a high note

18 Aug 2021 | 2818 Views | By Charmiane Alexander

What is your greatest ambition?
To work for underprivileged children and teach them the power of is tough and I want them to face all the challenges like a pro.

Your favourite print design?
I believe background motifs when well adjusted with texture finish looks aesthetic. My company recently printed labels for One Herb on the same lines.

Favourite movies?
The Pursuit of Happyness, Iron Lady, Rocky.

Favourite song?
I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar by Helen Reddy.

One most valuable work lesson
Time management skills help you avoid stress. List and schedule your tasks before your day begins. Don't schedule too much. Keep your to-do list light to actually accomplish real work.

How would you describe yourself in a line?
The Dreamer.

One key tip for good health
Start every day on a positive note.

Desired vacation spot?
I instantly fell in love with Greece when I first visited.

Your tip to resolve conflicts…
Be empathetic and try growing your emotional intelligence. It is important to understand things from others' perspectives.

Life is…?
Surprising. Hope for the best and plan for the worst.

What was the best business deal that you’ve pulled off?
Bagging the Department of Trade and Industry-South Africa contract and being acknowledged by Elizabeth Thabethe, deputy minister of tourism, South Africa for the job done.

Apart from that, I presented the ALPS Sustainability initiative called Waste 2 Energy in 2020 at the sustainability conference in Vigyan Bhawan which was dear to me. I was felicitated by Gangapuram Kishan Reddy, union minister of State for Home Affairs.

Your favourite book?
Business Sutra by Devdutt Pattanaik. I also like reading books by Ruskin Bond or Ronald Dahl when I feel like cherishing my childhood memories.

What is your favourite phrase or saying?
Not all heroes wear capes, some wear sarees.

Your view on sustainability and going green.
Being sustainable is very important and that is why when I was with Association of Label Printers & Suppliers(ALPS), the OBs' decided to start an initiative to divert Label Waste from landfills to recycling, a program called 'Waste 2 Energy' with our Industry partner. Our members understood the importance of Going Green and participated in the program. Sai Com Codes Flexoprint was among the first few members who supported the initiative.

Do you think there are lessons to learn from nature?
It is high time humanity reconsiders its relationship with nature. Small things can make a big difference, similar to how even small things in nature play a large role.

Most useful app?
Google Maps, though everyone in India is a Google map (pun intended).

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