Print’s Dads - The Noel D'Cunha Sunday Column

Last Sunday, 17 June was celebrated as World Father’s Day. A day that doffed it's hat to the fact that a family benefits from paternal guidance. That dads inspire qualities.

In this Sunday Column, PrintWeek India shares the joys of daughter/son and father relationships; and lessons in business

23 Jun 2019 | 4522 Views | By Noel D'Cunha

Monica Malhotra Kandhari D/o Ashok Kumar Malhotra

My father, Shri Ashok Kumar Malhotra, founder of MBD Group, is my role model, and his vision and mission motivate me every single day. A publishing icon, he was a karm yogi whose dynamism and values have made him an extremely successful entrepreneur.

My father firmly believed that the best things in life find their own place in the course of time; all you need to make this happen is through motivation backed by self-belief and determination. Excellent time management was another thing which I have imbibed from him. He used to manage everything with full commitment and hard work.


Meet Pandya of NP Labels S/o Bakul Pandya

It’s been five years with him in business and what I have learnt is: systems and how you should work with system and perfection. Never be afraid to take a risk but take a calculated risk. Adopt new technologies, and that’s what he is doing – stays a step ahead of others. That is why NP Labels is one of the top metal label manufacturers in India.


Hemanth Paruchuri S/o Narendra Paruchuri

I’ve learnt so many things from him. His passion for quality and for doing things the right way has had a huge impact on me.


Sudhir and Dalip Chopra Sons/o Kamal Chopra

Work is worship and your workplace is your temple. The customer is the most important person in your office.


Uttara Kaushal Bhalla D/o Vinay Kaushal

Simple life lessons with two simple points. One, be a "good listener”. When you become a good listener you always think and speak after understanding the situation. Second, be “ethical” in whatever you do. In life, if you are ethical and genuine you will always be confident in your work and conversations.

Akshay Kaushal S/o Vinay Kaushal

The list is endless, to be honest. However, the biggest learning for me in terms of business is to be ethical in your practices. No matter what practices others might follow, your ethics and your integrity will always be the difference. Other things will definitely follow.


Ferdinand. Rüesch (Ferdy) S/o Ferdinand III Rüesch

In 1953, my father Rüesch took over the business from his father and started to expand the company’s export business and convert production to industrial manufacturing. However, three years before he took over, history was made twice at the graphics trade fair in Chicago with the introduction of the first Gallus flexographic printing press and the first ever printing of self-adhesive material on label presses. It was there that the word had spread far and wide about my father being an innovative and inventive spirit. The one thing I learned from him is: “Where there is a will, there is a way”.


Ashish Gehlot S/o Late Govind Lal Gehlot

I lost my father in 2001, but I do recall his teaching and preaching. He told me, parents impact your life in more profound ways than you can ever imagine. It’s no secret that parents had a huge impact on the person I am today. My father taught me that education is key and most important and that if I wanted to achieve anything in life, I could; about learning and that seeking the truth would teach me more about myself and the world, than anything else I could imagine; the combination of reading good books and following spirituality is going be to the major foundation of life; and independence comes with responsibility, and he allowed me to learn that the hard way.


Sonal Sheth D/o H V Sheth

My father is truly my business and life hero. He has taught me to be independent, confident, and made me capable to stand tall in this world. I have learnt his attitude of ‘Never say no’ and zest to live life to the fullest.


Hema Java D/o Haresh Java

One thing I’ve learnt from my father is that hard work and dedication is the only means for success and eventually, if you work hard enough every day, it'll become a habit. If you love what you do it will come naturally and work will become a part of your life you look forward to. I haven’t seen my father take one Saturday off in the past 20 years!

Also, another really important virtue is being humble. There are many people who have great business acumen or are great businessmen. My father told me no matter what your achievements are, it's equally important to be humble.


Sagar Java S/o Ashok Java

Have had too many life lessons to share. But I can share a business lesson. I still remember his first piece of advice on my first day at work. He said, “Son, no matter what business you do in life, always remember: Top line is Vanity. Bottom line is Sanity. And cash flow is Reality.


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