Private View: Soulfull Millet Smoothix
Two packaging technologists review technical nitty-gritties, functional aspects and shelf performance of Soulfull Millet Smoothix.
The Soulfull Millet Smoothix is a health drink packaged in a transparent and user-friendly shaker, containing two sachets of powder inside it.
25 Jan 2019 | 5036 Views | By WhatPackaging? Team
Sukhdev Saini, packaging manager - AMEA, General Mills – The Soulfull Millet Smoothix is a health drink packaged in a transparent and user-friendly shaker. The outer package is a polypropylene-based transparent shaker which provides a visible measurement of the inside liquid through a 50ml to a 400ml indicator.
The red coloured polypropylene cap provides convenience in consumption, due to its pour spout along with a hinged closing mechanism.
The plastic container has a paper-based label with offset printed graphics and a gloss UV varnish for print protection. There are two tall pouches inside the container made of three-ply barrier metallised PET structure which enables better protection of the powder inside. The pouch also has a tear notch for consumer convenience of easy tearing.
Soma Roy, associate manager - packaging quality, Marico – The product has a very thoughtful and user-friendly packaging. The outer pack and the inner sachets are exactly the same with respect to the content and the graphics. The graphics effectively convey the ingredients that form the product.
It just requires one snapshot to know what the health drink comprises off. From the packaging design point of view, the shaker can be used multiple times and enables the user to track the mixing ratio and the portion consumed.
The transparency assures that the inner packs are not tampered or wrinkled, which in turn assures that the product safety is as original as factory packed.