51 Questions: Kuldip Goel, Any Graphics
Any Graphics is an inspiration, simple and clear. Just look at the company’s track record at the PrintWeek India Award, where it has snagged the Label Printer of the Year Award for five years in a row. Kuldip Goel, the man at the helm of Any Graphics, is a man with a mission, who wants to turn the science of label printing into fine art, with innovative use of substrate, ink and processes.
17 Nov 2016 | By PrintWeek India
1. What is the story behind your firm’s name?
Naveen, Aditya and Yoshita are my three children and first letters of all three was used to make it ANY, which is appropriate, as we can do any jobs.
2. When was the last time a job got rejected?
Some eight-nine months ago.
3. The one thing you like about label?
Special effects, which make labels look different.
4. What is your favourite label?
Currently, it is the Eye Care Studio. It looks like a natural eye. It have the concave effect in retina and the eye lashes have glitter effect which have been printed without using any special glitter ink but with the use of normal CYMK colours.
5. Your favourite shrink sleeve or in-mould label?
Nothing that I can think of.
6. If you could work in another label firm, which one would it be?
Any sick firm so that I could prove my capabilities to take that firm to the top.
7. Can you change the anilox on your press?
8. What does inspection mean to you?
Deserved quality.
9. The best compliment from a print buyer?
“How you people assume and create difference, which looks like out of world product.”
10. Your most innovative label?
Lion. It was created in 1999. For this, we received the World Innovation Award in 2004.
11. The first thing you do when you see a label on a beer bottle?
What is different in the label (I don’t open the lid as I don’t drink).
12. Do you think the future of labels is huge?

13. What is your favourite narrow-web label process?
Until today, it’s the letterpress.
14. The first thing you notice when you enter your shopfloor?
15. Toughest colour to print? Cadbury Purple? Bank of Baroda Orange?
I don’t think these colours are difficult to achieve.
16. What are your least favourite things about labels?
Designs which are not good.
17. What was the one book you read about labels which is a must read?
No comments.
18. One comment by a print buyer that made you lament?
19. What is the last thing you do before you exit the plant?
Pray and thank God.
20. What jobs are you doing right now?
21. If you were a press manufacturer, what would be the one thing you would do?
Foil saver at very reasonable cost and minimise electric consumption.
22. Your favourite ink?
Toka ink.
23. Who is the one person you talk to on the phone whenever there is an emergency?
My son.
24. Labelexpo India or Brussels?
Both are important.
25. Favourite post-press operation?
Special effects.
26. If you could re-print your hair colour on your press, which special colour will you use?
Natural brown.
27. The last investment you made?
A few hours ago.
28. What kind of investment would you like to make?
No comment.
29. Tough to print – in summer, winter or monsoon?
30. Self-glue vs wet glue?
31. Favourite die-maker?
Zenith for flatbed; Rotometrics for flexible.
32. Favourite operator in your press?
Vasu, because of his dedication.
33. Favourite printing factory to visit?
No comment.
34. What is the last factory you visited?
Stork - Screen Unit.
35. Do you have an invention which is your own?
Natural feel inside trim removal online without full cut.
36. Favourite sound on the shopfloor?
Sounds of machines running and mantra playing in background.
37. What is the longest run-length job you have produced?
100,000 metres.
38. The shortest run?
100 metres.
39. What is the special talent at your firm?
Something extraordinary on the top of normal printing.
40. Favourite motto?
41. One rule in your firm which you repeat again and again?
Honesty and dedication.
42. Favourite celebrity you would like to visit your firm?
Narendra Modi.
43. ISO or FTA?
No comments.
44. What’s your dot gain?
Different on different machines.
45. The first label press you saw?
46. Which has been the toughest to print? Vignette or microtext?
47. Most stocked substance in your godown?
Piggy Back.
48. One set of standards which has set you apart from the competition?
Don’t sell the product but provide solution with best product engineering.
49. What’s the comfort zone you would want a label designer to get out of?
No comment.
50. Favourite brand which uses a label best?
Nivea - Lens labels.
51. What would be the title of your autobiography?