Rahul Kapur shares his book recommendation

Rahul Kapur, director at JK Fine Prints shares an interesting brief on some of his favourite learnings explained in Raise Your Game: High-Performance Secrets

Kapur says, "The book authored by Alan Stein, would surely turn out to be an extremely helpful guide in your journey towards self-improvement. This is a resourceful book which will provide you with some keen insights that would definitely help you. Alan Stein is a well renowned performance coach, keynote speaker and author"

22 Aug 2022 | 1448 Views | By PrintWeek Team

Don’t get caught up in things outside your frame of influence
The author mentions that when we get distracted by things we don’t control, our performance suffers. It is imperative for us to understand that we all have limited energy, attention, and resources, so we must put them to the best use, where we know we can actually make a notable contribution.  

Self-awareness is the key 
The author underlines the importance of discovering our strengths and weaknesses, inside and out, because only self-awareness will make everything we wish to achieve possible. If we ourselves don’t know who we are and what we do, nothing else we know or learn will matter. If we don’t know and aren’t willing to discover how we need to get better, we will forever be stuck where we are. 

Focus on becoming an empathetic listener
We should listen attentively and see the world through another person’s eyes as this would enable us to respect, appreciate, and understand their perspective.One must listen to learn, not listen to respond. Also we must listen to connect, not listen to reply. Here is a beautiful quote mentioned in the book “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”.

Building a positive culture at our work place 
Once our vision is established a positive culture is what we need to create andnurture our vision and execute the same. We must create a culture where the best ideas win and everyone feels involved. A positive culture will surely increase efficiency, effectiveness and productivity at our work place.  

Our comfort zone is a cage
The author points out that high performers don’t just tolerate or do well in discomfort, they seek it out. They keep raising the degree of difficulty so they’re forced to strive and stretch and improve. The discomfort isn’t where they stop; it’s where they start. Our comfort zone is an enemy which makes us soft and complacent.

The article was first published in Black & Gold, the Bombay Gymkhana magazine, June 2022 edition.

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