Komori’s Indian representative, Insight Communications, has been on an installation spree. It has sold Komori kits across the length and breadth of the country. Rushikesh Aravkar, finds out what makes Komori tick on the shopfloor of six Komorites
Owners’ Name
Ashok Patel, Atul Patel, Alpesh Patel
Company Name
Legriffe Offset
Model and configuration
Komori LS429 and Komori LS529+C+HUV
Year of installation
Komori LS529+C+HUV was installed in 2014
Number of Impressions
1.25 crores
Future plans
To buy a six-colour plus coater 28x40-inch offset press
About Komori
Ashok Patel says: “The new press is our star machine. For any printer, cost of production is the key to success. One of the unique features of the new press is its low consumption of power, and the ability to print oil-based ink, HUV inks as well as conventional UV inks. With these capabilities, we can withstand market pressures.”
Owner’s Name
Jiten Shadija
Company Name
Shiv Offset
Model and configuration
Komori Lithrone LS 29, Lithrone LSX 29, Komori Perfector 44, Komori Perfector 26
Year of installation
Komori Lithrone LS 29 was installed in 2014
Indore, “Indore is a hub of pharma industry and food,” says Shadija
Number of Impressions
Komori Lithron LS 29 - 24.6 million
Future plans
To buy a six-color plus coater and a perfector press
About Komori
Jiten Shadija says: “Komori personnel explained which product will suit our requirement best.Excellent appreciative technical training sessions provided by Komori helped us get acquainted with the machine and increase productivity. We appreciate Komori for their speedy and efficient services. All in all Komori has equipped us to beat toughest competitions.”
Owner’s Name
Sarbjit Singh
Company Name
Sangat Printers
Model and configuration
Komori Lithrone A37
Year of installation
New Delhi, Sangat is situated in Naraina Industrial Area of New Delhi. Naraina is famous as the printing hub of the national capital.
Number of Impressions
Future plans
To add one more five-colour machine and focus on packaging
About Komori
Sarbjit Singh says: “A good machine. Insight’s trained technicians provide very satisfactory service.”
Owner’s Name
Gimik Patel, Ketan Patel, Mayur Patel, Kanu Patel
Company Name
Printwell Offset
Model and configuration
Komori Enthrone 429
Year of installation
Surat, the printing industry of Surat is driven by the booming textile and real estate market.
Number of Impressions
Seven lakh
Future plans
Aggressive expansion over next six months. Gimik Patel says: “We are going to establish an in-house binding unit with brand new machinery. We are also planning to streamline our production by investing in an ERP software. We are also going to standardise our printing quality by procuring a colour management software and quality control devices.”
About Komori
Gimik Patel says: “We are a Komori user for the last 13 Years. Before buying Enthrone 429, we were already having two secondhand Komori presses for our packaging unit. So we were very sure about the quality of Komori. Enthrone 429 is an ideal choice for printing requirements in Surat. It gives unmatched printing quality, user-friendliness and maintenance-free operation. We got tremendous support from Insight throughout the purchasing process and the after-sale service has been excellent.”
Top Job
“This job came in one week after the installation of the press. It was to be printed on Mont Blanc paper. Initially, the client was very cautious and reluctant to give us the job because the machine was new. But we printed this job and delivered; and the client was very impressed with the quality and colour depth of the job. This job instilled confidence in us to produce critical jobs. So it’s special for us,” says Gimik Patel
Owner’s Name
Sandeep Kumar Jain, Pradeep Kumar Jain and Anuj Kumar Jain
Company Name
Omega Printopack
Model and configuration
Komori LS432
Year of installation
Haridwar, this city in Uttrakhand is an excise-free zone. With many companies established in the State Industrial Development Corporation of Uttarakhand (SIDCUL ) area, print industry is on the rise.
Number of Impressions
Two million
Future plans
To automate post-press.
About Komori
Insight has a dedicated team, which enables us to print care-free.
Owners’ Name
Rahul Gadia, Shailendra Bhagwat
Company Name
Pratiroop Mudran
Model and configuration
Komori Lithrone S32 six-colour with coater combi UV press and Lithrone S29 – 4 colour conventional press.
Year of installation
Pune, “The commercial printing business looks stagnant; it is bound to grow with signs of revival in the economy. Package printing prospect in Pune has not been explored to its worth and seems to have a good potential,” says Rahul Gadia
Number of Impressions
10 million
Future plans
Pratiroop Mudran has been one of the leading commercial printing company in Pune for over a decade. Now, with a set of new installations in place including the new Komori Lithrone S32 UV press, Excel Maxima die-cutter and Bobst Ambition folder-gluer, it has set targets to become a major supplier of mono cartons in the region and look to achieve multifold growth over the next three years
About Komori
Rahul Gadia says: “Komori presses deliver value for money. Apart from lower cost of possession, the other major advantage is its quick set-up time and low maintenance cost. Also, the press runs alcohol-free and requires no substitute which supports the green environment cause and also results in savings in

operational cost.”
Best print job
Adreno Towers, Amanora brochure
Extent - Cover + Inner 56 page
Produced on the new Komori press. Cover was done with UV printing on MetPET board and it aptly added to the vibrant theme of the brochure. “This was our first UV job for commercial printing. Inner pages was printed on Rendezvous white with satin varnish, and cover back to back pasted.”