Review: OnPrintShop

With print runs shrinking and print firms searching for new avenues to generate business, web-to-print segment is making waves in the print market. Sustaining the traction, Radixweb has come up with OnPrintShop web-to-print solution which is targeted at small and medium sized print firms.

24 Feb 2013 | 4884 Views | By Rushikesh Aravkar


OnPrintShop enables printers to go online and offer 24x7 personalised ordering for their services. The integrated online order management solution caters to the needs of digital and offset printers, trade printers, designers, print consultants, and large format printers.
Naresh Bordia, vice president - business development, Radixweb, says, “In addition to the order management module, we have a photo album module, CorelDraw Template Engine, online designer studio integration, and customised solution as part of OnPrintShop.”
OnPrintShop comprises of a personalised website for the printer to manage retail and corporate clients. “The storefront is tailor made to enable printer to use his branding on the website where he can provide his products portfolio categorically,” adds Bordia.
In order to cater to the corporate clients, the software provides private corporate management store which remains unique for each customer. It comprises of corporate customer specific product and price display, credit management system with pre-paid and post-paid accounts and corporate specific layout and themes.
The vendor module is efficient enough to handle multiple vendors. The software is equipped with store admin panel at the printer’s end, which provides role-based admin access to the employees to manage orders, job tickets and generate sales and customer reports.
 Getting creative on the web
OnPrintShop has an integrated Online Designer Studio which enables users to create product designs using designer tools. It has PDF Template Engine which helps to convert PDF artwork to flexible PDF templates using Adobe Acrobat.
“OnPrintShop has developed advanced and stable online designer studio which includes one of the most stable online PDFLib library. We provide to integrate our Online Designer Studio with the customer’s existing e-commerce website,” says Bordia.
The Designer Studio is important for retail clients who don’t have access to high-end designing software as the simple task is to personalise the templates.
“The user is able to personalise the templates quickly and easily using the fully functional Designer Studio to create artwork,” says Bordia. The Designer Studio outputs high resolution print ready PDF files. Besides this, the solution provides an upload centre where the customer can upload his print ready files for printing.
 “We have launched CorelDraw Template Engine and regional language support (Hindi, Tamil, Gujarati, etc) in Online Designer Studio. Both these features are unique and developed especially for Indian printers,” adds Bordia.               
Online VDP module
OnPrintShop’s online VDP module specially fabricated for SME printers, is a user friendly one. “Our solution addresses the challenges of small companies, entrepreneurs, and digital print service providers and lets them explore web-to-print based VDP,” adds Bordia.
It works in four easy steps. The customer selects the product and uploads the variable data in form of CSV (comma separated values) file. The system calculates the cost based on the product selected and number of recipients. Once this is done, the customer has to choose template design, position the variable information, and personalise the design elements based on rules required.  After setting up, the system displays the previews following which the customer places the order.
“Our solution produces high quality optimised PDF (with X-Referencing Objects) to ensure same objects are not embedded again in document. Most RIPs can process this PDF file by caching repeat objects and produce print at high speed.  
This solution enables printers to accept variable jobs for smaller quantities as well.
To sum it up OnPrintShop provides a streamlined work-flow encompassing all the operations right from quoting, negotiating, ordering, reordering, proofing, amending, printing, delivering, invoicing and accounting.
The store-front integrated website can accept and manage orders, trail fulfilment and administer invoicing. Using personalised templates library and design studio, customers can conveniently prepare customised print jobs. Finally, using digital proofing the customer can confirm their orders and get them printed and delivered at the location of their choice.
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