TechNova’s Application Labs

The erstwhile TOUCH Centre has metamorphised into a new avataar, disseminating knowledge

11 Sep 2018 | 13286 Views | By PrintWeek India

Why a demo centre?
It all began with TOUCH (TechNova Open University for CHange) Centre, where the idea was to showcase the latest digital pre-press, proofing, platemaking and digital printing systems marketed by TechNova as well as provide technical knowledge through training, seminars and live demonstrations.

TOUCH Centre facilitated pre-purchase test-runs of equipment and job trials under simulated production conditions. Intensive training was provided to familiarise industry professionals with the latest consumables and equipment.

The TOUCH Centre has since been decentralised and TechNova now has multiple demo-cum-training centres for plates, chemicals and digital print media products in the avatar of application labs. A wide range of technical reading and learning material is available at each of our application labs.

Machines on the floor
Our application labs have complete workflows to showcase the various applications of TechNova’s entire product range.

How is it done?
If you visit our plate application lab, you would be able to see the complete pre-press and plate-making process of our thermal, violet and UV CTP plates with the help of relevant platesetter and processor.

On the other hand, if you were to visit our media application lab, you can choose any media from our wide range and witness the complete end-to-end demonstration for multiple applications of the media on various digital printers.

We have had a large number of customers visit our application labs for both demos prior to sales and for training purposes too. 

What’s special
The application labs are extensively used for skill upgradation and training of our customers, channel partners and TechNova’s sales, tech-support and application experts. And apprenticeship for students is a part of our regular product and application training programs.

At a glance
TOUCH Centre was established in 1997 at TechNova’s corporate office in Mumbai, then Bombay. Since it’s been decentralised, TechNova now has multiple demo-cum-training centres for plates, chemicals and digital print media products in the avatar of application labs.

Taloja, Navi Mumbai

TechNova’s Contact:

Deepak Chawla

+91 22 27412463

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