The GenZ Mantra: Charan Kumar

Charan Kumar works for ITC as a product development manager in the printing and packaging business division. In coversation with with Aditya Ghosalkar

31 Mar 2024 | By Aditya Ghosalkar

How does print impact consumers?
Print media has a lasting impact on consumers and can improve brand perception. Printed information provides credibility and influences consumer trust in a brand. Brands leverage packaging as a marketing tool.

The print industry. Your view?
The printing industry’s commitment to innovation, technological advancement, and environmental sustainability is noteworthy. The industry’s adaptability and constant evolution of print technologies contribute to its significance in various sectors.

With the rise of online shopping, how has it influenced packaging design and printing processes?
Visually appealing and informative packaging is becoming increasingly important as it serves as a crucial touchpoint in the absence of physical interaction. Additionally, there is a growing demand for sustainable packaging solutions to align with environmental concerns. Digital printing technology is becoming more common, enabling personalised and flexible printing to cater to diverse product ranges.

Interesting innovation that you came across.
The Ariel Pods Ecoclic box, launched in Europe, left a profound impact on me due to its locking feature. The package includes a Navilens QR code that, when scanned through its application, provides product information via an audio description and readable text on the display.

Is there a market for personalised printing?
As part of our job profile, we purchase products to analyse their packaging and design parameters. I have observed that personalised printing in packaging is on the rise due to digital print solutions . Consumers appreciate customised experiences, strengthening the connection between the brand and the consumer.

Your take on interactive packaging.
I appreciate technologies such as smart packaging, which involves the integration of sensors and RFID technology. For instance, a QR code offers a quick and convenient way for consumers to access information, promotions, or interactive content. Augmented reality (AR) takes engagement to the next level by providing an immersive and interactive experience. These technologies not only capture consumer attention but also provide insights into consumer behaviour and preferences.

One most valuable work lesson?
Effective communication is essential in fostering collaboration, minimising misunderstandings and creating productive work environment.

Your favourite book?
After reading The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga, I gained a profound perspective on socioeconomic disparities in India. The author’s insightful portrayal of societal complexities offers a nuanced understanding of the issues at hand. 

Your favourite dish?
Being a food enthusiast who appreciates diverse cuisines. Gongora is my absolute favourite due to its unique tangy flavour and vibrant taste, making it a delightful choice. n