Vivek Tholasi: Offset, digital complement each other

In the Rapid Fire series, PrintWeek asks Vivek Tholasi ten questions about print and beyond

31 Jan 2020 | 3314 Views | By PrintWeek Team

Q: What is the greatest strength of your printing firm?
A: It’s always been customer first. Respecting the source of business is vital regardless of the quantum of business a client gives you.

Q: What is the quality you seek when you hire?
A: Aptitude is the top quality I seek in an employee. Knowledge and skill can eventually be acquired.

Q: Which living print person do you admire most? 
A: Benny Landa, for having the foresight and inventing the commercial digital press.

Q: One print blunder you made?
A: A machinery purchase decision favoured on price rather than after-sales support.

Q: What is the trait you most deplore in our industry?
A: Underquote prices just to secure an order, and not know about its profitability.

Q: What is your favourite print  joke?
A: Even god has a favourite colour!

Q: Which print job made you the happiest? 
A: A high-end catalogue for a retail chain, in which we implemented Extended Colour Gamut to provide unparalleled, vivid colours.

Q: What is the trickiest colour you had to print?
A: With our strong colour management systems we trick the colours. But, yes, a three-colour grey and turquoise does trick us every now and then.

Q: If you could change one thing about your printing plant, what would it be?
A: I would keep changing since what’s best today wouldn’t be the best for tomorrow.

Q: Which print technology is the future? 
A: Offset and digital, printers should not see them as competing with each but are complementing the other. In the near future, they will be in silos, but as one.

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