Women in Print: Anjali Joshi
Anjali Joshi, assists her husband Anil Joshi at K Joshi & Co; and helps in the day-to day function of the Pune-based iconic printing firm. She is fond of reading and cooking delicacies for her loved ones.
08 Mar 2014 | 6612 Views | By PrintWeek India
Why did you get into printing?
After marrying my husband, I had decided that I did not want to be a typical housewife and therefore I started helping him out with his daily routine at the print floor.
What would be your dream job?
To own an IT firm.
To own an IT firm.
Which actress would play your role in the movie about your life?
Vidya Balan.
What is your favourite film?
One teacher you remember, and why?
Decruz Madam, she taught me mathematics when I was in standard 10. Thereafter maths became my favourite subject.
One most valuable work lesson…
Help people in need. Don’t give less, don’t take less.
One key tip for good health…
Exercise daily and say no to packaged food.
A secret for anger management…
Daily practice; pranayam.
A good thing about the present generation…
They are tech-savvy and can multi-task.
A bad thing about the present generation…
Respect for elders and basic values have been lost.
Your tip to resolve conflicts…
Listen to both the sides and then take the decision.
Life is…
Live and let live; happily.
(This Feature appeared in the 15 june 2012 issue of PrintWeek India)