Women in Print: Debasri Rakshit

Debasri Rakshit is senior copy editor for HarperCollins India

08 Mar 2014 | 3564 Views | By PrintWeek India

Why did you get into publishing?
I was an avid reader in my college days, and I thought it would be exciting to be a part of the process of creating the contents of a book.

What would be your dream job?
Being a stand-up comedienne (and making money out of it).

Which actress would play your role in the movie about your life?
Vidya Balan—no other actress has such evocative eyes.

What is your favourite book?
Sigmund Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams.

One teacher you remember?
Santanu Biswas from Jadavpur University.

One most valuable work lesson…
Learn how to interact with people.

One tip for time management…
Maintain a diary.

One key tip for good health…
Don’t skip breakfast.

A secret of anger management…
Just pause to think if the person you are angry at is worth investing so much energy in.

A good thing about the present generation…
They are energetic and well informed and well connected.

A bad thing about the present generation…
They are accumulating information, but not taking the time to process that information into understanding and knowledge.

Your tip to resolve conflicts…
Go behind the scenes and understand the source.

Life is?
A journey to discovery of the self and the universe.

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