Women in Print: Neetu Arora
Neetu Arora has invested 14 years in print as one of the most successful trade show organisers, print-packaging.com. She is married to Anil Arora and they are proud parents of two children. Neetu loves reading, travelling and working.
04 Mar 2014 | 6076 Views | By PrintWeek India
What would you most like to print?
My own newsletters and catalogues.
What is your favourite phrase or saying?
Believe in what is happening, it all happens for the good.
What is your favourite film?
Khosla Ka Ghosla.
Who would play you in a movie about your life?
Nandita Das.
Where would you like to be right now?
In the far-away hills ...
Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with?
Anil Arora.
What’s your greatest fear?
Most embarassing moment?
A boy asked me for a dance in school and I slipped all over the floor.
Who do you admire most?
Hanumantha Rao of Pragati Offset in Hyderabad for his integrity and vision.
Who or what do you hate the most?
People who do not believe in what I am saying, because I never lie.
Life is ...
Fun, challenging, just beautiful!
(This Feature appeared in the 14 August 2009 issue of PrintWeek India)