Women in Print: Patricia Pinto

Patricia Pinto of Trigon Digital, in conversation with Print Bulletin

08 Mar 2014 | 2522 Views | By Anand Srinivasan

How did you enter the printing industry?
I love colour’s and am crazy over creativity from young age.  Seeing the print industry grow in a way that could take creativity in different format made me get into printing especially printing in packaging, a never dying industry.

Did you have any mentors along the way?
Both my directors keep motivating me in making me myself and for who i am today. 

What’s your forte?
Servicing my clients in a professional and polite way and buying time when your client is on a horse. Making your client or customer comfortable is a small action but trust me it makes a huge difference in your business.

How do you begin your day? What is your daily routine?
Getting up at 7am then finishing the responsibilities of breakfast and packing tiffin for lunch, reading the Bible and all set to leave to office.

Do you interact with print production supervisors? If yes, how frequently? What do you normally discuss?
No not really. If there is a requirement then I do it.

Do you have any sales strategy? Anything in particular to motivate your sales & marketing team.

Your corporate philosophy.
To emerge as the top service provider by providing a suite of technology intensive services that bridge the gap between design vision and on ground reality.

Do you feel women shy away from taking lead in this kind of industry? If yes, your views.
No. Women have never been weak in anyways. This industry is basically dominated by the male segment.  I have been giving lectures in few colleges and seen the percentage of women is equal in printing and packaging. I feel proud to see women go deep in every industry and take the initiative in making the most for the company and then themselves.

What are the main challenges for a printer in India?
Technology which is growing at a very high speed “Time is money so very True” – everybody wants to invest in the best technology but within a time frame their technology has gone old.  So they have no option rather then reduce cost or again reinvest.

Are you involved with a trade printing association? Or have you set up your own peer group to meet periodically to talk about resources, challenges, etc faced by our industry.

What according to you is the future of the printing industry? And what are your aspirations for your press by 2020?
Future of printing industry is digital printing. My aspirations are of reinvesting and upgrading ourselves to help our clients.  To grow every single day in technology and to service our client in a more advanced way. 

What do you like about this industry and about your profession?
This industry is very creative.  It’s kind of magic or miracle to see how every print related company is taking the initiative to bring something new and innovative to our clients.

Being a woman and loving God’s gift which is nature I am so settled with the packaging world.  It gives me so much pleasure to let the client know how soon your designs can be ready and how quick they can be converted into prototypes. It also amazes me to see students so interested in knowing how this industry works and look forward joining corporate companies soon.

Can you tell us some interesting memories with regard to some landmark projects you have handled in your career?
For me every project has and is close to my brain and heart wherever I have worked. From every project I have learned something new from the client themselves or the company I worked.

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