Women in Print: Rupali Bhonsle

Rupali Bhonsle manages the purchase and production planning for Spectrum Scan’s Vasai printing unit

08 Mar 2014 | 3094 Views | By PrintWeek India

What would be your dream job?
I want to work for an old age home.

Which actress would play your role in the movie about your life?
Vidya Balan.

Which is your favourite film?
Dil Chahta Hai.

One teacher you remember, and why?
R Barman, he taught me everything about printing and whatever I have achieved is thanks to him.

One most valuable work lesson…
Be calm in the worst of the situations.

One tip for time management…
Think, plan and execute.

One key tip for good health…
Start your day with exercise and a healthy breakfast.

A secret for anger management…
Think about a person who is an important part of your life.

A good thing about the present generation...
Eager to learn innovative things.

A bad thing about the present generation…
They want to achieve success, without hard work.

Your tip to resolve conflicts….
Think from another one’s perspective.

Life is…
It’s God’s gift which which should be valued.

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