Theresa Pandey works along with her husband, T P Pandey at Taco Visions in pre-press department. She relishes in making designer cakes.
Why did you get into printing?
Because of colours.
What would be your dream job?
To place a 3-D hoarding right across the sea link from Bandra to Worli.
Which actress would play your role in the movie about your life?
Julia Roberts.
What is your favourite film?
One teacher you remember, and why?
My conscience, it always keeps guiding me.
One most valuable work lesson…
One tip for time management…
Plan in advance.
One key tip for good health…
Sleep well.
A secret for anger management…
Never try to manage your emotions, let them flow naturally.
A good thing about the present generation…
Their enthusiasm.
A bad thing about the present generation…
Fast food.
Your tip to resolve conflicts…
Not to have any conflicts.
Life is…
A process of setting goals and achieving them.
(This Feature appeared in the 13 July 2012 issue of PrintWeek India)