Vanita Dhiwar, director, AV Prosess, is a successful lady in the print industry and she dreams with her eyes open. The ambitious woman is also a homely person. She says that life is enjoyable and one should live it to the fullest.
Why did you get into printing?
To help my husband, Anil Dhiwar.
What would you most like to print?
Educational books.
What is your favourite film?
What is your favourite TV programme?
Abhas, Marathi television programme.
Who or what do you hate the most?
What is your greatest luxury in life?
To settle in USA with my family.
Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with?
My husband.
What is your greatest ambition?
To grab success in the print industry.
What’s your greatest fear?
Which superpower would you like to have?
To stop the assaulting of woman.
How would you like to be remembered?
As a pioneer of the print industry.
Life is…
All about happiness and fun.
(This Feature appeared in the 15 July 2011 issue of PrintWeek India)