30/3: 30 top buys in the last three months
Traditionally, in a Drupa year, converters wait for the show before finalising their investment decisions. This doesn’t mean that there is a drought of new equipment in the market. On the contrary, we are seeing converters add newer and newer machines to their print firms, usually machines dedicated to specialised jobs. After all, the market is moving towards specialisation and customisation. In the last three months alone, from March to May 2016, we featured stories of a large number of
16 May 2016 | By PrintWeek India

<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/400298,nectar-boosts-capacity-with-eight-colour-heidelberg.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Nectar Prints has added the Heidelberg Speedmaster eight-colour SM102P press to their new facility in Bhiwandi to cater to the commercial and publishing segment</a>
<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/401612,nice-selects-heidelberg-and-bobst-to-cater-to-pharma-segment.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Nice Prints is homing in on higher productivity after ordering a Heidelberg Speedmaster CD 102 press and a raft of Bobst kit to boost prospects in packaging</a>
<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/400845,new-seven-colour-kba-debuts-at-pragati.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">At Pragati’s Lakdi Ka Pool unit, a squad of engineers from Indo Polygraph Machinery completed the installation of a brand new seven-colour plus coater KBA Rapida 105 full UV press</a>
<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/401301,technova-adds-over-30-ictps-in-gujarat.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Surat-based Cambay TechnoPack, which specialises in packaging cartons, has deployed PosiJetiCTP for printing keyline diagrams for folding carton production</a>

<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/400418,sree-vinayaga-screens-adds-sm52-anicolor-press.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Madurai-based Sree Vinayaga Screens has installed a Heidelberg SM 52 press equipped with Anicolor and a coater</a>
<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/401545,vinayak-boosts-production-with-indias-first-komori-lsx-629.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Rajkot-based Vinayak Offset, which installed India’s first Komori Lithrone LSX 629 six-colour press with coater+IR+HUV, has said that the new acquisition has helped push its production from around 22-25 jobs to 35 jobs per day</a>
<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/400569,options-multicolor-books-heidelberg-sm74.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Hyderabad-based Options Multicolor Offset Printers hopes to triple its production capacity and slash makeready times with a brand-new Heidelberg SM 74 investment</a>
<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/401635,rajams-digital-adds-anicolor-sx-52-and-suprasetter-ctp.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Chennai’s Rajams Digital has completed the installation of a brand new Heidelberg SX 52 Anicolor press- first of its kind in Tamil Nadu and only the second machine in India bringing cheers to the flagging Chennai print market</a>
<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/401613,four-heidelberg-anicolor-installs-in-india.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">BH Srinivas with his team, who feel the Anicolor is more capable when it comes to colours because of the anilox rollers, which allows the print job to take more ink where you need to run the colour a bit stronger</a>

<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/401550,five-star-offset-printers-installs-planet-gs-9-panther-gathering-system.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Kochi-based commercial print and packaging specialist, Five Star Offset Printers has installed Planet G’s 9 Panther gathering system</a>

<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/400225,noidas-narain-printers-opts-for-komori-gl-437.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Narain Printers has opted for a four-colour Komori GL 437 press</a>

<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/401539,premier-printing-press-puts-its-komori-lithrone-a37-in-action.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Jaipur-based Premier Printing Press started operations on its latest Komori Lithrone A37 offset printing press from 4 March 2016, and has already printed more than 30 lakh sheets</a>

<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/401376,jc-graphics-shores-up-post-press-might-with-bobst-and-wen-chyuan.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Vijayawada-based JC Graphics has now bolstered its finishing department with Bobst Expertfold folder-gluer and Wen Chyuan offline coater and MetPET lamination machine</a>
<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/400796,15-zhengruns-in-india-rigid-box-market-to-grow.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Zhengrun has 15 installations across India, with all leading packagers</a>
<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/400664,noidas-creative-servicing-rising-mobile-market-with-zhengrun.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Noida-based Creative Offset Printers, a first generation packaging printer, has installed a fully automatic Zhengrun rigid box machine</a>
<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/400807,pragati-solar-and-pooja-invest-in-fuchu.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Fuchu has notched up four automatic rigid box machines installations in India. Two of the machines have been installed at Pragati Pack, and one each at Solar Prints in Delhi and Pooja Packages in Kanpur</a>
<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/401540,two-palghar-firms-adopt-automation-with-line-o-matic-bolt-rb104.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Palghar-based, Reegal Industries and Parth Enterprises have invested in the new Line O Matic fully automatic exercise book machine - Bolt RB104, to automate their notebook manufacturing process</a>

<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/401581,surats-tasveer-upgrades-with-xeikon-8500-installation.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Surat-based Tasveer Digital Press has recently installed a Xeikon 8500 digital press, which gives the photo-printing firm the means to produce 20-inch-wide printing of any length</a>
<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/400642,aakruti-digipress-unwraps-secunderabad-store-with-new-hp-indigo-5600.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Hyderabad-based photobook specialist, Aakruti Digipress, houses a brand new HP Indigo 5600 press, which is Aakruti’s third Indigo machine</a>

<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/401327,bengalurus-ace-media-solution-picks-indias-first-gandy-termin8tor.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Bengaluru-based signage specialist, Ace Media Solutions, has installed India’s first Gandy Termin8tor</a>

<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/400479,arihant-digiprints-in-a-efi-vutek-buy.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Mumbai-based, Arihant DigiPrints has installed the EFI Vutek GS3250LX Pro, UV LED curing digital inkjet printer</a>
<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/401742,20-flexcels-in-india-with-recent-installation-at-bajaj-processing.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Bajaj Processing has invested in a Kodak Flexcel NX Mid Imager (Hybrid) to increase the quality of the plates it produces and to take up new opportunities, like flexible package printing</a>

<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/400224,narain-printers-brings-pre-press-in-house-with-amsky.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Narain Printers installed a thermal CTP, Ausetter T 848, manufactured by China-based Amsky</a>

<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/401171,150-print-units-enlist-gmg-for-colour-war.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Managing colour is one of the most complex and challenging aspects of producing a quality press run. But GMG is making it easier than ever for 104 Indian print firms at their 150 locations</a>

<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/401745,mockingbird-opts-for-hp-latex-330.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Mumbai-based Mockingbird has invested in a brand new HP Latex 330. The machine has been installed by Global 5 Technologiess</a>

<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/401088,shilp-arts-transformational-short-run-approach.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Surat’s Shilp Art has put its money on a new digital strategy in order to tap short-run fashion catalogues and other low volume commercial print jobs for the local textile market</a>

<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/401208,xerox-empowers-the-digital-arm-of-two-delhi-firms.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Two Delhi-based print firms have opted for the Xerox Versant 2100 and ColorPress 1000i to boost their digital printing capabilities</a>
<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/400471,pioneer-digital-boosts-wide-format-operation-with-latex-buy.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Pioneer Digital has invested in three units of HP Latex 360</a>
<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/400332,with-canon-c700-delhis-satyam-prints-15000-sheets-per-month.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">New Delhi-based Satyam Grafix has been producing 15,000 sheets per month with the new Canon ImagePress C700</a>

<a href="http://www.printweek.in/News/401479,godfrey-philips-esko-investment-quickens-innovation.aspx" style="color: white" target="_blank">Godfrey Philips India has set up an Innovative Packaging Centre (Ipac) in Ghaziabad, which has invested in Esko’s workflows and software solutions for its packaging development and design operations</a>