The magazine plans to cut across spectrum and explore the spirit of adventure.
According to Shardul Bajikar, director Adventure Sports and Beyond, it is their aim to promote adventure sports, outdoor activities and active lifestyle in a manner that the team positively impacts and inspires the society by large.
Jak Printers is the print partner for the magazine. The magazine, with a print run of 3000 is priced at Rs 200 each issue. Shardul Bajikar added, “With this magazine, we are trying our best to create a new beat in news reporting which is adventure sports journalism. Modern India is adapting to and enjoying the features of outdoor adventure and fitness. A fair deal of adventure sports goods manufacturers are entering the Indian market."
For Bajikar, Adventure Sports and Beyond is conceptualised to reach a wide spectrum of audience in varied interest groups, with a tad more emphasis on youth and adults.