BK Print & Pack invests in Esko tool, software

Haridwar-based BK Print & Pack, which specialises in cartons for tubelight packaging and other large cartons for home appliances, has installed Kongsberg X20 sample-making table cum short-run production machine with folding carton workflow, including ArtiosCAD and ArtPro+ Advanced.

21 Aug 2020 | 2614 Views | By Rahul Kumar

Sandeep Singla, director, BK Print & Pack, said, “The reason for the investment was our obvious growth in business.  We wanted to make our pre-press efficient and fast, but sample-making was a big roadblock due to the existing manual process. Moreover, precision was missing. That’s why we decided to invest in Esko’s cutting table.”

He said that the table has added to the company’s skills and is expecting a steady growth. “It may not be tangible in the beginning, but in the long run, it will help us get new customers and products onboard quickly,” he added.

As for the market condition, Singla said though times are tough, the cycle of life doesn’t stop for anyone. “We have learned to live with this pandemic. As far as the business is concerned, some sectors such as pharama and food are flourishing, and some others such as automobiles are severely hit. We were lucky to have a product mix in our kitty,” he explained.

Now, BK Print & Pack is looking to making some innovative and unique packaging boxes. “We are working on some new prototypes,” Singla concluded.

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