Comexi CTec’s new remote assistance increases productivity

The Manel Xifra Boada Technology Center, Comexi CTec, specialised in training, advice, and technical process support for the printing and converting sectors of flexible packaging industry, has adapted its methodology of production support in order to implement and remotely monitor improvement and efficiency programs. Remote Serviflex, the resulting modular programme which offers the integration of all optimisation tools, detects and minimises inefficiencies, improves processes, and enhances machine operation. This programme, on average, renders a 10-30% improvement, regarding customer.

15 Jun 2020 | 2026 Views | By Rahul Kumar

Remote Serviflex allows customers to optimise changeover time, reduce colour adjustment waste, increase printing speed, and eliminate unexpected cessations. Through Comexi Cloud, the most innovative digital platform that assists customers with improving the performance of their plants, production data is analyzed to understand work systems and detect improvements. Furthermore, the use of Comexi Smart Glasses, a remote communication system that allows information sharing, in real time visibility, between field technicians and support departments, promotes the implementation of efficient methodologies, training, and operational support.

This modular programme, which includes consulting, coaching, online training, webinars, virtual guidance, streaming demo, and redesigning of standard operations, is divided into and developed through three modules: monitoring, operation Improvement, and consolidation and new targets.

The Comexi CTec also uses new technologies to conduct live streaming webinars, which guarantee personalised group learning and attention in real time. Process managers and professionals, who wish to learn and deepen their knowledge, are the target audience of these courses. Training workshops in lamination defect solutions, printing defect solutions, colour management, and flexographic printing production efficiency have been given in various languages, including Spanish, English, French, Portuguese and Russian. Thus far, these courses, which will continue throughout the upcoming months and expand to include other topics, have been taught with success, in reference to participation, which averages an attendance of 14 people per course.

Tags: Comexi CTec
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