Dabur Red Paste opts for carton-free, eco-friendly packaging

Taking a leap forward on the path to environment sustainability, Dabur India is now moving towards removing outer paper cartons from its flagship Ayurvedic toothpaste brand Dabur Red Paste. Dabur India has announced the launch of its pilot initiative to remove paper cartons from Dabur Red Paste. The innovative carton-free eco-friendly packaging is being rolled out in key trade outlets in a joint initiative with Reliance Retail.

25 Jun 2021 | 4956 Views | By Rahul Kumar

In addition, the company is also rolling out an outer paper carton-free low unit price (LUP) pack, specially created for rural markets. The paper saved by removing the outer cartons would be repurposed to create notebooks for underserved children supported by Child Rights and You (CRY).

“As part of this initiative, Dabur Red Paste has also launched a unique campaign, ‘Give up the carton, give me a future’ in association with CRY, under which the paper saved from removing the outer cartons will be used to make notebooks that would be distributed among over 120,000 underserved children. We expect that these initiatives will help us repurpose approximately 150 tonnes of paper and eliminate waste from our environment,” Harkawal Singh, marketing head-Oral Care, Dabur India, said.

“We are excited about working with Dabur on this smart way to reduce paper usage in packaging. Supermarket and SuperApp shoppers are aware citizens and are open to embrace such green efforts. They’ll welcome this right away” said Damodar Mall, CEO Grocery, Reliance Retail.

“CRY has always believed that access to quality education is every child’s right. It is an essential building block of a child’s future. CRY is committed to ensure free and quality education for the children of its project areas. Thus, for us every support in fulfilling our commitment counts. The initiative taken by Dabur is commendable and visionary. The campaign is truly dedicated to our future generation as it will go a long way in ensuring both education and environmental sustainability,” Soha Moitra, regional director, Child Rights and You (CRY), said.

Dabur has been driving several environment sustainability initiatives to preserve our planet for future generations. These include promoting biodiversity, collecting, processing and recycling post-consumer plastic waste, besides reducing use of paper in product packaging. This initiative is a step forward in this direction. By simply shifting to carton-free toothpaste packs, a family of four can ensure that the carton they would have otherwise discarded, will meet some part of the education material need of underserved children every year. As part of this campaign, Dabur will be donating more than 1.2-lakh notebooks.

Tags: Dabur India
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