A day in the life of Mehul Desai
Mehul A Desai is the founder and chairman of Mail Order Solutions.
21 Mar 2013 | By PrintWeek India
When you read your early morning newspaper, besides half tones & colour reproduction you look for...
I look for the new applications that Times Of India has developed where in you scan an image then follow it.
When and how do you begin your day?
I start my day with a cup of tea that I have with my wife, over the morning papers, discussing the news and what we are going to do through the day.
Do you plan your day, meticulously? Or is it ad hoc? Or is there a blue print for the day?
There is a general routine which I follow for the first couple of hours after I get into office. After that it is pretty much ad hoc.
One person with whom you like to share your daily drive to office. Why?
It would be with my sister Dharti since we can catch up on work and matters related to our home. She is full of ideas and a very positive person which I find inspiring.
What’s the first thing you do on entering the office?
Thank God and then get down to my e-mails and tasks on hand.
How frequently do you interact with print production supervisors? What do you discuss,
Once a week and we mainly discuss matters which require my intervention or a decision from me.
With the fierce competition, high cost of entry and above all - the increasing threat from other media, do you find that traditional ink-on-paper is facing a serious threat to its survival?
I think this is a bit of exaggeration and panic which is unnecessary at this stage. Yes, other media is gaining ground but we as an industry should focus on how to integrate the new media to our current and make the most. We cannot stop the new media from gaining importance but we can definitely take advantage of that to suit our work.
Which press does the best printing in India? And why?
Most work that I have seen has been impressive. I believe that most presses do quality work.
How do you rate your press as compared to leading printers the world-over?
At the cost of sounding immodest, I do believe that the MOS is a press which can be compared very favourably to any leading printing press world over.
If you won Rs 10 crore through Playwin which printing equipment would you invest in? Why?
If I had to invest in a printing equipment it would be an inkjet four colour roll to sheet print engine with an automatic finish line.
Today - we hear of innumerable printing presses closing down or being on the verge of closing down. Why is this happening? And - what does this portend for the future of the industry?
My understanding is that we are at the cusp of a major change in terms technology and how we have been working. The customer today is more knowledgeable, more demanding. At such stage inefficiency and over capacity will lead to some closing down, bigger players acquiring smaller but profitable players, some companies changing their production profile. As an industry we have no choice but to pass through this phase. My belief is that we will come out stronger and better equipped but in the bargain we will see some firms closing down but I surely see light at the end of the tunnel.
Most printers, repro houses and graphics art professionals - complain about the manner in which profit margins are being squeezed. The reasons they cite for this are: unfair under-cutting, increasing presence of canvassers etc. Are you encountering these problems? If yes, then why - and how?
This is the sad reality of our industry. We do face these issues and we tackle them by staying firm on our pricing. We lose a lot of opportunities due to this but those who have worked with us see the merit in our working and continue supporting us.
Your favourite adda? Or paan? Also which is your cell phone? Pen? Car? Wrist watch?
If I am with my friends then the place does not matter. I use an Iphone.
For a working lunch if you meet Johanes Gutenberg (the father of modern printing), what would you talk to him about?
I would talk to him about food and wines.
How do you motivate your sales & marketing team? Any new promotion strategy?
By making the team realise their true potential. Where they stand viz what they can achieve. No strategy as such but I always tell my team, understand the client and his work. Once you have a hang of it you will be able to offer better solutions which will be the differentiator and that will ensure client retention.
The most frequently used mantra in your organization? Your corporate philosophy.
I am responsible, I will do it.
The craziest deadline you've come across?
Every deadline we receive is crazier than earlier.
Your favorite excuse to your family when you’re late?
I don't need to make excuses to my family since they take precedence over everything.
In India – the two most important barriers are technology and cost. What advice do you have for the printer?
Ask for the manufacturers to come out with options which are impression based rather than outright purchase. This is going to be the way the industry will be able to keep abreast of latest technology. The manufacturers must see the printers as partners rather than someone to whom they sell an expensive machine and then forget about it.
One person with whom you would like to have a FACE TO FACE.
Sourav Ganguly.