DMI workshop on 3-5 August

The Dhirubhai Mistry Institute for Print Education, Research and Training (DMI), an industry initiative of the screen printing machinery manufacturer Grafica Flextronica, has organised a print workshop on 3-5 August 2015.

13 Jul 2015 | By PrintWeek India

The previous workshop in the series was organised on 8-10 June 2015, which was attended by 38 participants, and saw 175 guests, including manufacturers, distributors, dealers, print CEOs, etc.
“As a manufacturing company, by conducting workshops and training programmes, Grafica is giving back to society,” said Bhargav Mistry, managing director, Grafica Flextronica and DMI. “We had the initial challenge of getting materials free of cost and the first company who came forward to support us by supplying inks and chemicals free of cost was Fujifilm Sericol. We then started getting support from Skyscreen, Indian Dyes Sales Corporation (IDSC), Colors, Print Dynamic, and TechNova Imaging Systems.”
Mistry said the workshops are divided into three categories – graphics and serigraphy, print finishing, and textile. The topics covered in the workshop include colour management, ICC profiles and grey balance, ink densities and max ink coverage, RGB to CMYK to spot colour separations, CMYK and spot colour separation using various high-end graphics softwares, and RIP (Raster Imaging Processor) software for positive output directly on inkjet films and thermal imagesetter, among others.
These workshops are open for professionals from the printing industry – offset, screen, digital, flexo, for enhancing their skills. Students from various printing technology institutes also undergo special training at DMI. All programs are offered on an on-going basis, free of cost, throughout the year and students are offered placements at the end of the course.
So far, DMI has completed courses with seven batches of students who had education in printing but have got specialised in screen printing along with industrial visits.