Domino’s next-gen thermal inkjet printers set new standard

Domino Printech has launched the Gx-Series, a new range of high-quality thermal inkjet (TIJ) printers optimised for fast, efficient, and accurate coding, on product labels, flexible films, and cartons. Versatile and easy to operate, Gx-Series printers are equipped to meet the needs of an evolving global marketplace characterised by rapid changes in production schedules and fluctuations in consumer demand.

08 Jun 2020 | 1558 Views | By Rahul Kumar

“Today, more than ever, manufacturers need to be equipped to handle last minute changes to production schedules, including quick product changeovers, in order to satisfy demand,” said Alexandros Mountis, TIJ product manager at Domino. “The Gx-Series has been designed with this level of agility in mind — to help manufacturers to keep pace with the pressures of a modern marketplace.”

“Currently, key industries including food and beverage and pharmaceuticals are struggling with unprecedented levels of demand owing to the Coronavirus pandemic,” Mountis added. “This made especially difficult to address, while adhering to government advice on social distancing and coping with a reduction in staff numbers.”

“This is a prime example of the kind of challenge that we strive to help manufacturers overcome,” he said. “With the Gx-Series, we have designed a printer that is versatile, and easy to adapt to changing production schedules, which also provides a solution for remote monitoring and control, allowing for a reduction in staff numbers on a production line.”

Domino developed the Gx-Series in consultation with customers across the globe, to ensure a solution that meets the needs of manufacturers now and in the future. The next-generation printers are compatible with all languages and suitable for use across industries including pharmaceuticals, electronics, and food and beverage, with customisable options available to suit individual production needs.

The Gx-Series is optimised for smart factory applications, providing manufacturers with a seamless, future-proof solution for evolving production processes. Gx-Series printers are easy to use and to integrate into existing manufacturing procedures, with enhanced connectivity and visibility features and a smaller overall footprint. Domino Cloud capability provides remote monitoring, while options for EtherCAT and PLC communications allow for fast data transfer and synchronisation.

“In a modern marketplace, consumers, retailers, and governments are demanding more information from manufacturers,” said Mountis. “We have developed the Gx-Series in response to these changes, to give our customers greater control over their product labelling, with the ability to produce high-quality, machine-readable codes for marketing information, traceability data, and serialisation.”

Domino’s Gx-Series printers are an ideal choice for printing high-density machine-readable codes, including data matrix codes, providing opportunities for enhanced product labelling and late stage customisation within manufacturing operations. Advanced track trace and item-level serialisation are available via Dynamark protocol, with coding in compliance with pharmaceutical regulations, including EU FMD and US DQSA, according to GS1 standards.

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