Drupa 2024: Komori India sells 14 presses in first three days

At Drupa 2024, Komori India has sealed the deals of 14 printing presses with some of the leading printers in the Indian sub-continent and around who were excited about the return of the show after an eight-year hiatus, revealing the most updated and latest technologies, products from every niche of the printing industry.

31 May 2024 | 11254 Views | By Rahul Kumar

It all happened in the first three days of the show. On the first day, Komori sold three Lithrone GL437 and one Enthrone 429 presses, followed by the next day’s deals of three Lithrone GL437 and one Lithrone GL640 presses.

Komori GL40, being the newly unpacked Drupa edition press, is engineered with all new upgraded features and excellent technical conditions. 

On the first day, those Komori customers who excitedly placed the instant orders of the Enthrone presses were from East India and many from North India. 

Jitender Rohilla, general manager-sales, Komori India, said the key buyers of Komori presses on the first day of Drupa 2024 included many from major Indian cities. He adds that on the second day of the show, one Lithrone GL437 was booked by a key customer from Central India. 

In addition to the Indian customers, Komori Corporation at Drupa 2024 pulled the attention of a couple of buyers from Bangladesh. Sealing of the deals continued with many buyers from South India as well, which included a key customer from Tamil Nadu, as well as one from Western India.                           

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