Drupa 2024: OnPrintShop reports record-breaking attendance

OnPrintShop has announced a successful showing at Drupa 2024, marked by significant footfall and vibrant reception from attendees. Over the first two days, the OnPrintShop booth in Hall 7A/D21 saw more than 150 print industry professionals, all eager to explore the latest innovations in web-to-print technology.

02 Jun 2024 | 1262 Views | By Noel D'Cunha

Prominent partners from Portugal and Germany, in addition to the OnPrintShop core team, attended the event. Through this partnership, OnPrintShop gained a deeper grasp of the critical printing issues and goals faced by European printers.

The ability to converse in multiple languages facilitated richer, more meaningful interactions, enhancing the understanding of the regional market and enabling tailored solutions to meet the needs of European businesses better.

Booth visitors were particularly impressed with the comprehensive suite of solutions designed to drive growth and automate operations. 

Key features that garnered significant attention included:

B2All storefronts: The versatile storefronts, which cater to a wide range of business models, enable printers to serve both B2B and B2C clients effectively.

Online print store personalisation: Advanced personalisation tools allow end-users to customise product workflow easily, enhancing customer satisfaction and engagement.

Order management with end-to-end automation: A robust system that automates the entire order process, from placement to fulfilment, reducing manual intervention and increasing efficiency.

Naimish Patel, vice president of sales, OnPrintShop, said, “We were thrilled to hear from many of our existing clients who stopped by the booth. They shared uplifting stories of development and success, largely attributing their achievements to OnPrintShop’s efficiency and automation capabilities.”

Naresh Devra, vice-president of product development, OnPrintShop, met with several major European print companies. The topic of these conversations was the necessity of reliable, safe online ordering platforms, especially for corporate and B2B customers. 

Devra emphasised how OnPrintShop’s scalable solutions satisfy these requirements, guaranteeing reliable security and performance of ongoing business operations.

Prospects and many print enthusiasts are expected as Drupa 2024 goes on. The company’s dedication to innovation and visitors’ delight is affirmed by the favourable reviews and high level of interest in OnPrintShop’s solutions. OnPrintShop is ready to keep providing the print sector with state-of-the-art technology that promotes productivity, automation, diversification, and success.

Tags: OnPrintShop
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