Drupa 2024: Ronald to highlight paper bag machine

At its stall at Drupa 2024, Faridabad-based Ronald Web Offset will provide information on its products, including coldset web offset, paper bag-making machine, flexo machine and A4 sheeter machines.

20 May 2024 | 3682 Views | By Rahul Kumar

Ronald manufactures world-class paper bag-making machines, both V-bottom and square-bottom bag types, with options for flexographic printing.

Aligning itself with consumer awareness of the use of paper bag utilisation, and to meet the demand for environment-friendly recyclable packaging, the company’s paper bag machines have exceptional build, and are extremely reliable and productive. These are great for small businesses as well as big brands.

“Our paper bag-making machine helps customers to produce a variety of jobs on the same machine with utmost precision and quality and helps them save on time as all the operations of pasting, cutting and folding can be done on the same machine. If customers require inline printing and handle-pasting, we can provide the same too,” Adithya Gupta, director, Ronald Web Offset, said. 

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