Drupa Diaries 2016: Sanandan Seth
Sanandan Seth is the director-marketing at Replika Press. , Business
15 Jun 2016 | By PrintWeek India
Who had the best stall at Drupa 2016?
It has to be Landa. Flashy as always, makes you think where the future technology is headed to.
Which was the technology that dazzled you the most?
Print finishing going digital. The reason being accuracy, consistency and zero rejection.
What was the least impressive thing at Drupa in 2016?
None of the offset print machinery manufacturers were showcasing book printing via offset. So, there was nothing new in offset for the book printers. I think the market is driving towards digital instead of offset.
One unknown company to watch out?
Can't think of any one. My trip was too short, and there too much information to look at.
If money was no bar one investment you would like to make?
I would invest in digital printing, especially for value addition.