Kolbus has in its kitty the Kolbus KM 200 Bookjet, the perfect binding machine, which was launched in 2011. The product has been developed since to include Kolbus HD-HD 143, three-knife trimmer, Kolbus WF 100, and web-folder designed for industrial inkjet.
With a capacity of up to 1.5 million pages per hour in its current, standard version, the Kolbus web folder has the potential to start working today and outlast several generations of digital presses, said the company.
There will also be the Kolbus KM 610 perfect binder. This new line of machines, running upwards from 5,000 books per hour, will be displayed in its 7,000-book-per-hour version. The new KM 610 series has been newly designed to incorporate the user interface structure of the future, taking ease of operation to a new level, the company said.
“We are focusing on luxury packaging manufacturing,” said Kai Buntemeyer of Kolbus. “It is a growing market and we have background of case-making. We have sold four systems in America.”
At its 1,400 sq/m stall, Kolbus will showcase products for books manufacturing, commercial print finishing, embedded printing processes and workflow design. There will be a lot of focus on the Kolbus
approach to workflow design and systems control.
Buntemeyer said on occasion of the pre-Drupa 2016 International Media Conference, Kolbus has put its XML syntax, in other words, the language that Kolbus machines speak, on the internet for free